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Spa resort guests in a pool being massaged by water streams , with a smiling woman enjoy neck massage. Hotel and Wellness Concept image. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: Three adults enjoy a water aerobics class, each holding different colored resistance bars aloft. Sports and gymnastics under water in swimming pool or spa resort. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: Three people participating in a water aerobics class, smiling and using resistance bars in a pool. Sports and gymnastics under water in spa resort. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: Woman in a white swimsuit leads water aerobics with two men in the background, all using resistance bars. Sports and gymnastics under water in spa resort. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: water aerobics class with three adults using resistance bars, focused and smiling in the pool. Sports and gymnastics under water in spa resort. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: People in a pool enjoying neck massage by water streams. Hotel and Wellness Concept image. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: Three people engaged in an aquafitness course or water aerobics, holding colored exercise balls. Sports and gymnastics under water in spa resort. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: Three participants in an aquafitness or water aerobics course using resistance bars in a swimming pool. Sports and gymnastics under water in spa resort. : Stock Photo or Stock Video Download rcfotostock photos, images and assets rcfotostock | RC Photo Stock.: